Miscellaneous Information:
Keep benadryl liquid around in case your yorkie
is bitten by a red ant, bee or wasp. Check with your vet as to the amount to
give ahead of time. This could save your babies life.Your yorkie can also take
many of the same meds that you take. Check with your vet about what you can give
to your dog for upset stomachs, pain, and other common ailments. You can get
some information at VetInfo4Dogs.Watch that your yorkie
doesn't get a hold of some food that he can choke on. Cujo grabbed some fat and
started choking. I grabbed him, held him upside down and started hitting his
back. The fat was dislodged, but I was scared to death. Make sure that
you clear out any rat poison you may have bought
in the past. My mom almost lost Zach to
poison that was put out over 6 years earlier.
